lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

New Section: Teenage Stuff

I was searching a teenage girls advice web page, but I couldn't find one that I really like it, so here is when I have the great idea to start, a little section for this kind of situations. Sometimes I am going to talk about fashion tips, beauty tips, maybe you are looking for a solution, because you have a party and you don't know what to wear, or you are going to travel and you don't know what to pack, or for skin products, beauty products. To make it shorter teenage stuff :)

martes, 22 de enero de 2013


   These are some of the pictures I took with my new camera, I am not a camera master or pro, but I tried to do my very best taking some pictures.
Hope you enjoy it!!

    Estas son unas fotos que tome con mi nueva cámara. No soy una pro de la fotografia, pero intente hacer lo mejor que pude.
Espero y las disfruten.

jueves, 10 de enero de 2013


I  felt a little bit crazy taking these pictures to my dolls. But I thought "hey, dolls also have a fashionable side!" maybe let's show it to the world. I mean, when I was little my favorite part of playing with dolls was changing their clothes. And my dream was having a closet full of  clothes, accessories  shoes and bags as they had. Dolls can wear everything they want, from really short skirts, to the most beautiful gowns. This post can be an inspiration to remember the good days when you used to play with them, and remembering that they still being á la mode.  

Me senti algo loquita al momento de tomarle fotos a mis muñecas. Pero pense "oye, las muñecas tambien tienen un lado fashion!"  por que no mostrarselo al mundo. Lo que quiero decir es que cuando era pequeña mi parte favorita de jugar a las muñecas era cambiarle su ropa. Y mi sueño era  tener un closet lleno de ropa, accesorios, zapatos y bolsas como ellas lo tenian. Las muñecas pueden vestir lo que quieran desde realmente faldas cortas, hasta un elegante vestido de gala. Este post puede ser una inspiración para recordad esos buenos días cuando jugamas con ellas y para recordar de que ellas siguen á la mode.